Monday, July 19, 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

If you haven't read the book by slogging through the first two or three chapters of character after character, then the Cliff note's feelings of this movie might confuse you. It doesn't follow the book in all of the plot and it certainly doesn't have the back story or political insight of the Swedish system of "ward of the state" and socialist politics that the book gives. But it is close enough. In fact, if you saw the movie first, the book would unfold more easily. Yet, the book is better. It's a whodunnit murder mystery sort of story with a lot of sub plot that a movie reviewer cannot cover. But it is fun to see the book put to life and to see how the very intricate and damaged Lisbeth Salander is portrayed. See the movie AND read the book. The movie really gives you an idea of what the physical and mental state of these characters are.