Cold in July
Meh. I've seen 5 movies in the past week- this one was on demand as well as in theaters. Michael C Hall (Dexter) plays a homey type guy who awakens to an intruder in his home and he (somewhat) accidently shoots the guy in the head, ruining the wall and sofa. He is stunned, as is his wife, but it was obviously self-defense. Unfortunately for him, the person he shot has a father who just got out of Huntsville State Prison. The old guy seems set up to kill Hall, but at some point, Hall realized he is the one being set up in some bizarre way. It unfolds in a sort of interesting way. I found it totally unbelievable- it just doesn't seem right that Hall's character, Richard Dane, would leave his family to go search after a story that can only bring danger to his family and doesn't really involve him anyway. I never felt the tension of the story. Obviously, I'm the one with the problem since 75% of the 3000 people who have seen it like it. 91% of the tomato meter critics like it. And that is what I don't get. It's okay- but well, that's about it.