This subtitled film is headed up by Paulina Garcia, a Chilean actress, who could teach the plastic, middle aged American actresses a thing or two. In fact, she is really the main reason to see this. Paulina Garcia plays the title character, Gloria. Gloria is a middle aged woman whose nest is empty, whose ex-husband never fails to remind her why he's her ex, and who is very good at getting out and around through dance clubs. There is a wonderful ordinariness to this as we watch Gloria meet the man (Rudolfo) that we believe will give her the relief to her loneliness. Turns out, Rudolfo cannot stop being the handmaiden to his former wife and daughters. In the end, Gloria faces her reality in a wonderful scene where her inner security settles into a calm on her face. This is an adult movie - and by that I mean that Gloria has a maturity and lack of neediness that is charming to see. She is truly a good woman who is just trying to stay busy and happy without being desperate. I really enjoyed this and I think it has not gotten enough press. If it is gone from your local theater, then be sure to catch it on DVD. It's worth it.